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Juniors Develop Sporting Skills by Playing Golf

Juniors Develop Sporting Skills by Playing Golf - Southern Nevada Junior Golf Association

There is a lot of talk and a lot written about “sports skills” or “sporting skills”, and what is needed to excel in a chosen sport. Well, playing junior golf, specifically Southern Nevada junior golf, is a great way to show off the sporting skills learned by young people. 

But first, what is the definition of sporting skills? 

According to the website, they include "The ability to perform a sporting skill consistently well at speed, under fatigue and pressure conditions in a competition environment.” 

We agree with this definition because by playing junior golf, a young golfer will learn how to play his or her best while swinging at the proper speed while walking a golf course or practicing (producing some fatigue) during a pressure situation when it is just the golfer vs. the course vs. the other players. 

Golf is sometimes underrated for its physical nature, but these days, the level of athleticism at every level is unmatched from the past. Better athletes are playing golf at a younger age, evidenced by lower scores, longer drives and in other ways.  

And displaying sporting skills throughout is an important part of the process. Now is the time to get a young person involved in golf to develop sporting skills that can help in life plus other sports. In golf, these are musts: proper coordination, proper concentration and proper execution. And that translates to sporting skills. 

Let the experts at the Southern Nevada Junior Golf Association help your young golfer develop and showcase their golfing—and sporting—skills. Thanks for reading. 

Sporting Skills are on display by Southern Nevada junior golfers 

Sporting skills, sometimes referred to as sports skills, is a common term and are what are needed to excel at a chosen sport. By playing junior golf, kids of all ages can develop and showcase these skills that will benefit them for a lifetime. 

What are sporting skills? 

"The ability to perform a sporting skill consistently well at speed, under fatigue and pressure conditions in a competition environment” is how defines them. 

It is a plausible definition when it comes to golf because young players will learn and display a variety of skills during practice sessions or while on the course. Dealing with the fatigue of swinging multiple times, walking the course and staying mentally focused is important, while swinging the club at the best speed is a skill that translates directly to better scores. 

Golf is more physical than many believe and the level of athlete playing the game currently is at an all-time high. Playing junior golf is a terrific and meaningful way to develop sporting skills that will help in other sports or throughout a young person’s life. 

The Southern Nevada Junior Golf Association is a perfect way to get a young person involved to showcase their sporting skills. We hope to see more junior golfers on the course and on the practice tee showing off their sporting skills. 

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